Temporary housing design

WALDEN consists of six architects. They all have in common the desire to build and experiment with matter and practices. All of them claim the need to get out of institutionalized practices, often out of the ground, and to approach a concrete and credible field action.

A natural collaboration with NP Rolpin

WALDEN is a committed player in the Atelier des Landes, being a member of a scientific interest group (GIS) to carry out the project of reconverting the Moustey sawmill wasteland into a platform for exchange and innovation in the field of construction and development. The goal is to create a workshop on the site for specific needs – particularly in terms of housing – by mobilizing the resources present on the territory.

Sensitive to the values of valorization of the local resource as much as of an enlightened use of wood materials, Np Rolpin was the natural partner for the supply of quality plywood panels. TheWalden architectural association used plywood panels in their design project « L’Atelier des Landes ». They created temporary housing, named « Borde » and « Hut », with their origami design.

WALDEN was formed in 2018 at the suggestion of a group of teacher-researchers to participate in the creation of the Landes Workshop. This workshop was born from a common will of the teachers of the ENSAP of Bordeaux, the UMR CNRS Passages, the Regional Natural Park of the Landes of Gascony, the local authorities and former students, to push further research and project ideas developed for several years on the territory of the Landes.

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